Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Sophie's World

"At the same time she experienced herself in a completely new way as a unique individual. She was more than just a human being, a fifteen year old girl. She was Sophie Amundsen, and only she was that. (...)

I don't think I will ever get to understand what is like being another person. No two people in the whole world are alike.

They don't seem the same way any more. They are like a whole universe of wondrous tales. (...)

What kind of truths are relevant, then?
According to Kierkegaard, rather than searching for the truth with a capital T, it is more important to find the kind of truths that are meaningful to the individual's life. It is important to find the truths for me. He thus sets the individual, or each and every man, up against the system. (...)
- And what, according to Kierkegaard, is a man?
It's not possible to say in general terms. A broad description of human nature or human beings was totally without interest to Kierkegaard. The only important thing was each man's own experience. And you don't experience your own existence behind a desk. It's only when we act-and especially when we make significant choices-that we relate to our own existence. There is a story about Budha that illustrates what Kierkegaard meant.
There was once a monk who asked Buddha if he could give clearer answeres to fundamental questions on what the world is and what a amn is. Buddha answered by likening the monk to a man who gets pierced by a poisoned arrow. The wounded man would have no theorectical interest in what the arrow was made of, what kind of poison it was dipped in, or which direction it came from.
He would most likely want somebody to pull it out and treat the wound.
Sophie's World - Mundo de Sofia
Sophie's World (Sofies verden in the original Norwegian) is a novel by Jostein Gaarder, published in 1991. It was originally written in Norwegian, but has since been translated into English (1995) and many other languages.
Mundo de Sofia
O Mundo de Sofia, editado pela primeira vez em 1991, é um dos livros que continua a encantar todo o tipo de leitores. Mesmo depois de todo o êxito inicial e de se ter tornado quase de imediato um best-seller, continua a ser lido, hoje em dia, por milhares de pessoas, em particular por jovens. O autor, Jostein Gaarder, professor de filosofia do secundário, conseguiu de uma forma original desenvolver uma aventura cheia de reflexões e perguntas através da história da filosofia desde o princípio dos tempos.
O objectivo principal deste livro não é, segundo o nosso ponto de vista, relatar ao leitor a evolução da filosofia ao longo do tempo, mas sim fazer com que este não seja tão indiferente àquilo que o rodeia. Isto é conseguido através das respostas dos grandes filósofos às questões que sempre afligiram o mundo.
"A capacidade de nos surpreendermos é a única coisa de que precisamos para nos tornarmos bons filósofos (...) E agora tens que te decidir, Sofia: és uma criança que ainda não se habituou ao mundo? Ou és uma filósofa que pode jurar que isso nunca lhe acontecerá?... Não quero que tu pertenças à categoria dos apáticos e dos indiferentes. Quero que vivas a tua vida de forma consciente."

Bom na verdade ja tem meses que ando tentando terminar O Mundo de Sofia- na verdade Sophie's World, estou lendo a versao em ingles que complica um pouquinho mais a minha vida, mas enfim, o Mundo de Sofia e um desses livros que voce nao pode ler com a cabeca cheia de pensamentos, resquicios de cansaco, brabezas do trabalho. E um livro pra se ler de cuca fresca, um livro pra sonhar, pensar, viajar mesmo. As vezes ele da piruetas na sua cabeca. Estou na pagina 316 das 432 duas paginas do livro. Espero terminar ele essa semana, dependendo e claro do ritmo que seguira os proximos dias. Espero manter acuca fresca e tacar filosofia nela!

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Livros que me acompanham em 2009

  • Notes from my travels- Angelina Jolie
  • THE SHAMANIC WAY OF THE HEART - Chamalu- Luis Espinoza
  • Shooting Butterflies - Marika Cobbold
  • The Global Deal - Climate change and the creation of a new era of progress and prosperity- Nicholas Stern
  • The Penelopiad- Margaret Atwood
  • Discover Atlantis - Diana Cooper
  • Tne Gift - How the creative spirit transform the World - Lewis Hyde
  • My East End: A history of Cockney London- Gilda O'Neil
  • Delta of Venus- Anais Ninn
  • The Little Prince- Antoine de Saint Exupéry *** Apr
  • Doidas e Santas- Martha Medeiros (March)
  • The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje
  • Gilead by Marilynne Robinson - Feb
  • Healing With the Faries by Doreen Virtue (Feb)
  • Montanha Russa- Martha Medeiros (Feb)
  • O codigo da Inteligencia - Augusto Curry - Feb
  • O Ensaio sobre a cegueira - Jose Saramago ( Jan Lendo)

Livros que andaram comigo em 2008

  • Meditacao a primeira e ultima Liberdade by OSHO ( Dec)
  • The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje (Dec Lendo)
  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - J.K Rowling (Oct Lendo)
  • The PowerBook - Janette Wintersone (Oct- )
  • A vida que ninguem ve- Eliane Brum (Sep - Lendo)
  • The Birthday Party - Panos Karnezis - (Sep )
  • Ensaio sobre a Lucidez -Jose Saramago (Lendo...)JUN
  • Nearer The Moon -Anais Ninn (Lendo..) JUN
  • Superando o carcere da emocao - Augusto Cury(lendo...) JUN
  • Perdas e Ganhos- Lya Luft Jun(Releitura) Jun
  • A Mulher que escreveu a Biblia - Moacyr Scliar(May) ****
  • The Secret By Rhonda Byrne (May)
  • Time Bites -Doriss Lessing March (lendo...)
  • Life of Pi - Yann Martel (March to May )
  • The Kite Runner -Khaled Hossein /March ****
  • Back when we were geown ups / ANNE TYLER (larguei na metade)
  • O Sonho mais doce - DORIS LESSING /Feb ****
  • The Crimson Petal and the White- MICHAEL FABER / Dec-Jan / ***

Livros que me acompanharam em 2007

  • Burning Bright - TRACY CAVILER
  • Fear of flying - ERICA JOUNG (larguei na 50th pagina)
  • I'll take you there - JOYCE CAROL OATES ***
  • Memorias de minhas putas trsites GABRIEL GARCIA MARQUEZ ***
  • The Siege - HELEN DUNMORE ***
  • A girl with a pearl earing - TRACY CHAVILER ***
  • A year in Province PETER MYLES ( larguei na metade)
  • The mark of the angel- NANCY HUSTON-
  • A bruxa de portobelo - PAULO COELHO -
  • Under the Tuscany Sun - FRANCES MAYA -
  • Sophie's World - JOSTEIN GAARDER *
  • The umberable lightness of being - KUNDERA- **
  • As aventuras da menina ma MARIO VARGAS LOSA - ****


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